Thank you!
The weather should be cooling down soon here in Arizona, That means outdoor playtime for the kids! I need to start shopping around for a good bubble machine, and a few new/used outdoor toys.
My grand-kids are itching to start riding there bikes again, and dusting off the scooters. I plan to start walking the dogs in the mornings again, we always start off with short walks and build up to a 3 mile walk, at least 3 mornings per week if not more, Lord knows all 3 of us need the exercise! LOL! we get lazy in the AZ summer months and tend to stay in the house as much as we can!
I am still looking to fill the Tuesday/Thursday opening @ $37.0 per day. I will also have a full time opening in the next few months, @ $185.00 per week, Jada will be headed off to preschool soon,
I am CPR certified as well as having my finger printing and level one clearance card. I have been providing child care at this address for 18 years, I am still friends with many of the families that I have worked with over the years, I will be happy to provide their contact infomation to ask any questions that you may have,
Thank you for stopping in this morning, have a Blessed day
Good Morning!
Oct, is my favorite time of year! as the weather is starting to cool down , OMG! I love decorating for Halloween, Kylie & I spent all day last Sunday putting up the decorations! I even made a few bats & spiders out of vinyl, with my KNK die cutting machine!
AND.... We are loving being able to take the kids outside and letting them run off all that built up energy! the bubble machine has broken, so we will be blowing bubbles the old fashion way for a while, :-)
We have one more full time opening left and would love to fill it soon, $185.00 per week, please email me for an interview if you are in need of child care. Thanks a bunch, and have an amazing day!!!! we will be outside playing this morning, gotta love this weather!!!!!!!!
A beautiful Sunday morning here in Az.
I was able to open all of the windows and doors this morning!!!!!!!!!! decided it was a perfect morning to bleach my tile & grout floors, And with clean floors, we need clean rugs, washed all of the area rugs and hung them out to dry, while I was closing the windows back up before the heat started rolling in, I realized the window tracks needed a major cleaning, as well as all of the windows, inside & out! Well.... by 9 am I was was done with the tough jobs and needed to start cleaning bathrooms, vacuum the carpets, couches/chair /Ottoman /stairs, YIKES! it's 11 am and I am ready for a break. I will take some time today, to make a few new daycare signs to post in the neighborhood, In hope to fill the 2 openings that we have available.
It’s Saturday Morning! YAY
I was up at 4:30 am getting ready for our day, By 5:30am I had already filled my gas tank up, grabbed a cup of coffee for my husband and a diet soda for myself, went to the bank for some cash, and now I am ready, just waiting for my granddaughter to wake up. We are going to hit a few yard sales this morning; we are looking for some outdoor toys for the kids, as well as all the scrabble games we can find, We have been collecting scrabble games, (They are not easy to find) we use them for my granddaughters spelling words each week. Makes it a little more fun to learn her words, I know its summer time, and the kids are out of school. But we thought it would be good for her to take summer school.
We also use the game pieces for crafts, Last week we found an old bingo game, (for free) at a yard sale,
We have been playing a lot of bingo lately, I forgot how fun that game is, and My 8 year old granddaughter loves it! So much for using them in my scrapbook layout, J
It’s now 6:30 and we are ready to hit the streets! J
Have an AWESOME Saturday everyone!
Good morning!
I had not been a good blogger for a long time; it’s hard to get use to!!! I hope to get better at this, summer months are fast approaching us here in Chandler! It's starting to get HOT!!!! Thank goodness we had decided to hold our yard sale last week end! It was the perfect weather for it! We did great! I cleaned out every room & closet in the house, Managed to donate a LOT of fabric to a charity organization, that sews quilts for the homeless & for babies in the hospital, I love the feeling of an organized clean house! And now to start advertising to fill my openings for childcare,
I have 3 full time openings, for children as young as 6 weeks to the age of 3.5 years old, I have been out posting signs up in the neighborhood every morning, If you know of anyone who is in need of childcare, please pass my name & email address on to them, Weekly rates are now $165.00 per week Monday - Friday 6:30 am to 5:30 pm.
Thank you for stopping by today! I hope you all have a very blessed day!
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