It’s Saturday Morning! YAY
I was up at 4:30 am getting ready for our day, By 5:30am I had already filled my gas tank up, grabbed a cup of coffee for my husband and a diet soda for myself, went to the bank for some cash, and now I am ready, just waiting for my granddaughter to wake up. We are going to hit a few yard sales this morning; we are looking for some outdoor toys for the kids, as well as all the scrabble games we can find, We have been collecting scrabble games, (They are not easy to find) we use them for my granddaughters spelling words each week. Makes it a little more fun to learn her words, I know its summer time, and the kids are out of school. But we thought it would be good for her to take summer school.
We also use the game pieces for crafts, Last week we found an old bingo game, (for free) at a yard sale,
We have been playing a lot of bingo lately, I forgot how fun that game is, and My 8 year old granddaughter loves it! So much for using them in my scrapbook layout, J
It’s now 6:30 and we are ready to hit the streets! J
Have an AWESOME Saturday everyone!
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