The weather should be cooling down soon here in Arizona, That means outdoor playtime for the kids! I need to start shopping around for a good bubble machine, and a few new/used outdoor toys.
My grand-kids are itching to start riding there bikes again, and dusting off the scooters. I plan to start walking the dogs in the mornings again, we always start off with short walks and build up to a 3 mile walk, at least 3 mornings per week if not more, Lord knows all 3 of us need the exercise! LOL! we get lazy in the AZ summer months and tend to stay in the house as much as we can!
I am still looking to fill the Tuesday/Thursday opening @ $37.0 per day. I will also have a full time opening in the next few months, @ $185.00 per week, Jada will be headed off to preschool soon,
I am CPR certified as well as having my finger printing and level one clearance card. I have been providing child care at this address for 18 years, I am still friends with many of the families that I have worked with over the years, I will be happy to provide their contact infomation to ask any questions that you may have,
Thank you for stopping in this morning, have a Blessed day
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